Holistic Piano Tuning

Copyright 2006 by Anthony S. Wright

            I'll examine your piano and talk with you about what I've found. I'll also talk with you in some depth to find out what the piano is to you, and what expectations you have for not only your piano, but your involvement with your piano. For example, is your piano an old friend, whom you've known since childhood, and used to belong to your grandmother? Or is it simply an instrument you purchased recently and want to have operating to the peak of it's capability within a limited budget.

            My approach is other than solely limited to a service perspective, though significant attention to primary service functions as a foundation upon which to further build involvement with you and your piano. The first order of business, of course, is to bring your piano to as good a standard of functioning and stability as it is capable of, given it's age and background.  

            With my background in psychology and mediation, if you like, I can offer you additional significant support, to bring your piano to a state of functioning beyond that which is normally expected, in my capability to explore and use your hearing and sense of touch, through appropriate in-depth discussion, to further groom the piano. To bring your piano to such a state that the piano becomes difficult to resist, in that it has become so enjoyable and inviting to play, within it's capability to function.

            With this additional personal support and attention to service, a truly holistic sensibility develops, from the piano and your involvement with your piano, to the home and the family members in the home where you and your piano are, to areas in your life which unexpectedly begin to come to greater harmony and balance than previously was the case.  
